It's a girl! I'm so excited my brother and his wife, Elizabeth, are expecting a baby girl in June. Some of Elizabeth's friends and I planned an amazing baby shower on April 29th.
My sister-in-law loves my co-worker's cake pops,
cakepops, so I knew that we had to have them at the shower. The biggest debate in the Baldwin house hold is what will the baby girls name be? So until she has a name, we have nicknamed her Da Bomb. Christy did an amazing job making the cakepops look like little pink and yellow bombs.
The best part of showers is playing games. The three we played were: guess how many pieces of candy the is in the baby bottles. Regan won with the most guesses.
Everyone had a lot of fun trying to guess with a piece of ribbon how big momma's belly is, this brought laughter and sham. Elizabeth was a great sport, in her cute little dress and black high heels.

It was really had to win the third game while Elizabeth opened all the cute clothes and baby goodies. The third game rules were you couldn't say three special words: Cute, Baby, Girl. Megan had great ears and called everyone out when the made the mistake of saying one of the forbidden words.
I can't wait to meet my sweet baby niece. Aunt Meredith is going to spoiler her rotten. :)