Friday, February 26, 2016

Lunch Time : Sugarcreek Reserve

 I went out on my lunch break today to Sugarcreek Reserve in Bellbrook with a few co-workers. As they scouted for a towhee and turkey vultures, I kept my focus on the ground. I'm shooting with my new Nikon 750, which I love so far and my 50mm Nikkor 1.8. It's still very cold here in Ohio and nothing much has started to bloom. They sky is murky gray and the ground is brown. I'm so ready for the sun to shine again and the green leaves to come back. Soon enough it will be Spring. These are my favorites from today's shoot out. 

Friday, February 5, 2016

Natalie's 3

These past three years have been the best years of my life. I couldn't have asked for a more special gift than my beautiful daughter Natalie. She is an amazing little girl who ridiculously funny and often makes me laugh out loud daily. She is so kind, smart and beautiful both inside and out. 
Happy third birthday, Natalie!
I had so much fun taking her three year pictures, she did amazing. I absolutely adored the set up by Lost and Found Vintage Rentals. Jennifer did an amazing job with the set up and Natalie had a blast playing with all the different props. These are just a few of my favorites!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Emme : 2 Years Old

Wow, time is really flying by, who can this cutie be 2 already.  Actually, she was two in December and I'm just now posting my favorites from her adorable session at Lost and Found Vintage Rentals. Where did time go? Miss Emme is absolutely adorable with tons of personality. She is so curious about everything and very quick. We had a lot of fun playing in the studio and even got some great pictures. I hope you enjoy some of my favorites.