Sunday, November 20, 2011

Girls Weekend In Nashville

We had a wonderful and theater filled weekend in Nashville. My
cousin Josiah was in the play, The Secret Garden at Belmont University.
Almost didn't recognize him with the beard. He did an amazing job!
Then Saturday, we went to see The Rockettes at the Grand Ole Opry.

Downtown Nashville with an almost 6 year old what do you do?
You defiantly need to take a horse and buggy ride through downtown.
Reagan had a blast and Dolly, the horse, did a fantastic job guiding
through streets filled with live music.

Mom enjoying a moment with Elvis.

We stopped and had dinner at the Big River Grille and Brewery. The food
and the beer were really good. We couldn't pass up the opportunity to poss for
a picture with Reagan's cute new panda hat!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Jenna's 6 month portraits

I cannot believe that baby Jenna is 6 months old already. Jenna is one of my best friends Amber's little girl and she is the most precious baby. At 6 months she is already crawling up a storm and standing up holding on to things. I think this is to keep up with her active older brother, Ean. She will be walking before we know it! Today was a lot of fun and thank goodness the nice weather lasted. Thanks Amber, for asking me to take Jenna's 6 month portraits.