I can't believe my baby girl is ONE already; time sure flies when you are having fun. Natalie Alane was born February 5, 2013 at 6:51pm. I guess you can say I was glad it snowed this year on her birthday because I got snowed in and couldn't make it to work. So I got to spend the day with my baby girl!

She is so silly. She loves to blow raspberries and talk all the time.
It's getting difficult for me to take her picture now because she is always on the move.
This is a common pose these days, with Natalie hanging on mommy's legs.
Or taking her toys in and out (and in, and out) of her toy baskets
Natalie's Book Themed First Birthday!
Great Grandma Alta
Oma with Natalie
Natalie's friend Jenna came to play at her party!
She loves to read the cards.
Mommy reading a book to Natalie and cousin Riley.
Right now the tissue paper looks more fun then the actual present.
Cousin Spencer helping Natalie with her cake.
"It's my party and I'll cry if I want too!"
Sweets overload.
Photo Play Date with Val
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